PAAW is dedicated to saving the lives of all those dogs and cats in need.


Volunteer Application Form

Please complete the form below in its entirety. Once complete, make sure to click the submit button at the bottom of the form.

Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
The following file types are accepted: .jpg, .png, .pdf, .doc, .docx
You may check all that apply.
What days and times are you available to volunteer?
NOTE: PAAW normally shows animals on Saturdays & some Sundays from 10am-4pm. Transportation is needed weekly for these adoption events, with pick-up at 9:30am & Drop-off at 4:30pm at the shelter and/or foster home for each pet being transported that day. Transportation is also needed for vet visits throughout the week.
If Fostering, please provide information below:
Please supply the following information of all the animals currently living in your home. If no animals are currently living in your home, please provide the information for all animals previously living in your home within the last 10 years:
Current or Prior Veterinarian (Vet information will be verified):