About Us

Guardians for Animals – for their continued support of our rescue! They help to raise much needed funds to pay for animal food and medical treatment.
Please visit their website at www.guardiansforanimals.org for more information on their life-saving programs!
We are thrilled to be recognized by the Petco Foundation for our work with homeless animals! A $5,000 grant will help us continue to help animals and people in Metro Detroit live their best lives!
Thank you Petco Foundation!
PAAW is honored to receive a $10,000 grant to help extend our efforts and serve the Petco Foundation’s mission to raise the quality of life for pets and people who love and need them! Thank you Petco Foundation.
PAAW is an official partner with ResQwalk! Download the ResQwalk app on your Android or Iphone and choose Pet Adoption Alternative of Warren as the ResQ you would like to support to help PAAW earn money every month!
You exercise and ResQwalk donates money to PAAW!
You can participate in any distance-related activity, such as walking, running or biking, as long as the activity can be measured by GPS and involves a speed of less than 14 mph and up to 30 miles per day.
Just hit the ReqQwalk button on the app and then Start ResQwalk each time you start to track you activity!
Happy exercising!